In February 2024, Artma artists convened at the Bellevue Arts Museum

for a dynamic and inspiring meeting focused on the upcoming exhibition and forging a path forward for our artistic community. Against the backdrop of the museum's creative ambiance, we engaged in thoughtful discussions about themes, concepts, and logistical considerations.

But our gathering went beyond mere planning – we recognized the importance of building a strong sense of community among our members. To foster connection and unity, we embraced the transformative power of movement and dance, drawing inspiration from the iconic Seasons Parade by Pina Bausch.

Through improvisation and collaborative exercises inspired by Bausch's choreography, we delved into the essence of the seasons, exploring the cycles of growth, change, and renewal that mirror our own artistic journeys.

As we moved and danced together, we found ourselves forging deeper bonds of understanding and empathy, transcending the boundaries of language and background. The experience was both exhilarating and profound, reinforcing our shared commitment to creativity, collaboration, and community.

As we left the Bellevue Arts Museum that day, buoyed by the energy and camaraderie of our gathering, we carried with us a renewed sense of purpose and possibility. Inspired by our discussions and movement explorations, we were ready to embark on the journey ahead, united in our dedication to bringing art to life and enriching the lives of others through our creative endeavors.

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